While writing the Libanius quiz application, I found typeclasses to be very useful in decoupling behaviour from the model classes. Typeclasses (formally spelt "type classes") originated in Haskell, but can be used in Scala too, being a language that supports FP well. I'll describe one use of typeclasses in Libanius, an example that should be less "theoretical" and more extended than the ones that are usually given.
To start with, the core model in Libanius is a simple containment hierarchy as shown in the diagram. The
data structure
contains all the information necessary to provide a stream of quiz items to a single user. It is split by topic into QuizGroup
s, which, for performance reasons, are further partitioned into "memory levels" according to how
well the user has learned the items. The flow of a typical request then is Quiz.findQuizItem()
followed by QuizGroup.findQuizItem()
calls, followed by QuizGroupMemoryLevel.findQuizItem()
In practice the
signatures and functionality were similar but not identical. Rather than have
them scattered throughout the model classes, it was desirable to put them together in a single place where the
similarites could be observed and moulded, avoiding any unnecessary repetition. The same was true of other operations in
the model classes. Pulling them out would also solve the problem of too much bloat in the model.
Furthermore, although the
data structures are optimized for finding quiz items, I wanted to be able
to extend the same action to other entities. A wide range of scenarios can be imagined:
- A Twitter feed of quotes might be seen as a mapping from speakers to quotations, which could be turned into a Who-Said-What quiz.
- A set of web pages with recipes could be read as a "What ingredient goes with what dish?" quiz.
- In a chat forum context, a person might be thinking of quiz questions and feeding them through.
- A clever algorithm might not simply be "finding" quiz items in a store, but dynamically generating them based on previous answers.
- The Quiz might not be a Scala data structure, but a database. This could be a NoSQL in-memory database like Redis or leveldb. It could also be a traditional RDBMS like Postgres accessed via Slick.
What links all these cases together is that a
function is necessary but with a new implementation. So the immediate priority is to decouple the findQuizItem()
action from the simple Quiz
data structure. Notice that
this action might be applied to structures that didn't even know they were supposed to be quizzes. We don't want to
have to retroactively modify classes like TwitterFeed
and ChatParticipant
to make them
"quiz aware".
If you know a lot of Java, some design patterns might occur to you here, like Adapter, Composite, or Visitor. In the Visitor pattern, in particular, you can separate out arbitary operations from the data structures and form a parallel hierarchy to run those operations. But the original data structures still have to have an
method defined. In
Scala a more convenient alternative, graced with all the polymorphism you could ever need, is the typeclass construct.
Typeclasses excel at separating out orthogonal concerns.
Firstly a trait is defined for the typeclass with the behaviour we wish to separate out. Let's begin by calling the main function
rather than findQuizItem()
, to abstract it more from the implementation:trait QuizItemSource[A] { def produceQuizItem(component: A): Option[QuizItem]} }
The component could be a
, a QuizGroup
, a QuizGroupMemoryLevel
or anything
else. Instead of calling produceQuizItem()
on the component, the component is passed as a parameter
to the operation.
Next, define some sample implementations (aka typeclass instances) for the entities (aka model components) that we already have:
object modelComponentsAsQuizItemSources { implicit object quizAsSource extends QuizItemSource[Quiz] { def produceQuizItem(quiz: Quiz): Option[QuizItem]} = … // implementation calls methods on quiz } implicit object quizGroupAsSource extends QuizItemSource[QuizGroup] { def produceQuizItem(quizGroup: QuizGroup): Option[QuizItem]} = … // implementation calls methods on quizGroup } implicit object quizGroupMemoryLevelAsSource extends QuizItemSource[QuizGroupMemoryLevel] { def produceQuizItem(quizGroupMemoryLevel: QuizGroupMemoryLevel): Option[QuizItem]} = … // implementation calls methods on quizGroupMemoryLevel } }
These sample implementations can be accessed in client code once it is imported in this way:
import modelComponentsAsQuizItemSources._
However, we don't want to call implementations directly, like
Instead we want to just call produceQuizItem(myQuizGroup)
and let the correct implementation be
selected automatically: this is what polymorphism is about. To facilitate this, let's define a function
in the middle for accessing the implementations (and this is really the final piece of the puzzle for typeclasses!):
object QuizItemSource { def produceQuizItem[A](component: A)(implicit qis: QuizItemSource[A]): Option[QuizItem] = qis.produceQuizItem(component) }
If you're coming from other languages, it's the use of the implicit that is at first difficult to grasp, but this is really the Scala feature that makes typeclasses convenient to use, where they are not in, say, Java. Let me explain what is happening here:
Suppose in client code, the
has been imported as above. Now the quizGroupAsSource
is implicitly in scope, among other implementations. If there is now a call to
, the compiler, seeing that quizGroup
is of type
will match qis
to an implicit of type QuizItemSource[QuizGroup]
: this is quizGroupAsSource
, the correct implementation.
The great thing is that the correct
implementation will always be selected based on the type of entity passed to produceQuizItem, and also the context of the client, specifically the imports it has chosen. Also, we have achieved our original goal
that whenever we realize we want to turn an entity into a quiz (TwitterFeed
, ChatParticipant
etc.) we don't have to modify that class: instead, we add an instance of the typeclass to modelComponentsAsQuizItemSources
and import it.This approach is a break with OO, moving the emphasis from objects to actions. Instead of adding actions (operations) to objects, we are adding objects to an action generalization (typeclass). We can make that action as powerful as we like by continuing to add objects to it. Again, unlike in OO, those objects do not need to be custom-built to be aware of our action.
That is the main work done. There are two more advanced points to cover.
Firstly, it is possible to add some "syntactical sugar" to the definition of
above. In this code
def produceQuizItem[A](component: A)(implicit qis: QuizItemSource[A]): Option[QuizItem] = qis.produceQuizItem(component)
… the
variable may be viewed as clutter. We can push it into the background using context bound syntax:
def produceQuizItem(A : QuizItemSource](component: A): QuizItem = implicitly[QuizItemSource].produceQuizItem(component)
What happens is that the context bound
A : QuizItemSource
establishes an implicit parameter, which is then pulled out by implicitly. This syntax is a bit shorter, and looks shorter still if you do not need to call implicitly but are simply passing the implicit parameter down to another function.
def produceQuizItem[A](component: A)(implicit qis: QuizItemSource[A]): Option[QuizItem] = qis.produceQuizItem(component)
Suppose a
were passed in, the quizAsSource
instance will be selected. You will
remember this looked like this:
implicit object quizAsSource extends QuizItemSource[Quiz] { def produceQuizItem(quiz: Quiz): Option[QuizItem]} = … // implementation calls methods on quiz }
However, I simplified a bit here. The original implementation did not in fact return simple quiz items in the case of a
. Whenever the Quiz
retrieved a quiz item from a QuizGroup
, it would add some information. Specifically it would generate some "wrong choices" for the question and return that to the user to allow a multiple-choice presentation of the quiz item. So the QuizItem
would be wrapped in a QuizItemViewWithChoices
object. The signature had to be:
def produceQuizItem(quiz: Quiz): Option[QuizItemViewWithChoices]} = …
Now the problem is this does not conform to the typeclass definition. So let's massage the typeclass definition a bit by turning the return type into a new parameter,
trait QuizItemSource[A, C] { def produceQuizItem(component: A): Option[C] }
Then the typeclass instance for
will look as desired:
implicit object quizAsSource extends QuizItemSource[Quiz, QuizItemViewWithChoices] { def produceQuizItem(quiz: Quiz): Option[QuizItemViewWithChoices]} = … // implementation calls methods on quiz }
The intermediate function for accessing the typeclass becomes a bit more complex. Recall this was previously:
def produceQuizItem[A](component: A) (implicit qis: QuizItemSource[A]): Option[QuizItem] = qis.produceQuizItem(component)
The second type parameter for the return type is added as
def produceQuizItem[A, C](component: A) (implicit qis: QuizItemSourceBase[A, C], c: C => QuizItem): Option[C] = qis.produceQuizItem(component)
is constrained so that the return value must be compatible with QuizItem
. To make
compatible with QuizItem
, it is not necessary
to make it a subclass with lots of boilerplate as in Java. Instead an implicit conversion is defined next to the
class like this:
object QuizItemViewWithChoices { // Allow QuizItemViewWithChoices to stand in for QuizItem whenever necessary implicit def qiView2qi(quizItemView: QuizItemViewWithChoices): QuizItem = quizItemView.quizItem }
Now it all works!
That ends the description of the
typeclass. For more examples, see the other typeclasses in the Libanius source code such as CustomFormat
and ConstructWrongChoices
, which cover other concerns orthogonal to the model, or view this excellent video tutorial by Dan Rosen.