Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Private Constructors

Private constructors: mostly you won't need them. Commonly in Scala we just define a class and let the constructor and parameters be exposed to the world:
case class SocialFeedCache(tweets: List[Tweet]) { ... }
But suppose the tweets need to be organized for efficiency, and we don't want the cache to be constructed in an invalid state? Then we might have a factory method that performs the necessary initialization. In Java this would be a static method. In Scala we put it in a companion object:
object SocialFeedCache {
  def apply(tweets: List[Tweet]): SocialFeedCache = {
    // ... organize the tweets ...
    SocialFeedCache(organizedTweets) // call the primary constructor
So now we must always call the factory method rather than the primary constructor. How can we enforce this? How can we block anyone from calling the constructor directly? A first attempt might look like this:
private case class SocialFeedCache(tweets: List[Tweet]) { ... }
But this doesn't just hide the constructor; it hides the whole class! In fact there will be a compile-time error, because the factory method in object SocialFeedCache is trying to expose a class that is now hidden.

The correct syntax is actually:
case class SocialFeedCache private(tweets: List[Tweet]) { ... }

And that's all there is to it. This is a useful technique whenever you have special initialization taking place in factory methods.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Akka in Your Pocket

Although Akka is usually thought of in connection with massively scalable applications on the server side, it is a generally useful model for concurrency that can be deployed in an ordinary PC application or even a mobile app.

My Nexus 4 phone has four cores. If I have some CPU-intensive processing in an Android app, I observe that I can speed it up nearly 300% by spreading load across four actors. This can mean the difference between one second response time and quarter-second response time, quite noticeable to the user. Therefore, along with regular Scala futures, Akka is a useful tool that Scala provides to Android developers to make the most of their users' computing resources.

One tricky bit is getting the initial configuration correct with SBT. After some experimentation, I found that these Proguard settings, adapted from an early version of this project, work. (ProGuard shrinks and optimizes an application, but when you include a library like Akka, it needs to be reminded to keep certain classes using "keep options.")
      proguardOption in Android := 
        |-keep class com.typesafe.**
        |-keep class akka.**
        |-keep class scala.collection.immutable.StringLike {*;}
        |-keepclasseswithmembers class * {public <init>(java.lang.String,$Settings, akka.event.EventStream,,;}
        |-keepclasseswithmembers class * {public <init>(;}
        |-keep class scala.collection.SeqLike {public protected *;}
        |-keep public class * extends
        |-keep public class * extends
        |-keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver
        |-keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider
        |-keep public class * extends android.view.View {public <init>(android.content.Context);
        | public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet); public <init>
        | (android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int); public void set*(...);}
        |-keepclasseswithmembers class * {public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet);}
        |-keepclasseswithmembers class * {public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);}
        |-keepclassmembers class * extends android.content.Context {public void *(android.view.View); public void *(android.view.MenuItem);}
        |-keepclassmembers class * implements android.os.Parcelable {static android.os.Parcelable$Creator CREATOR;}
        |-keepclassmembers class **.R$* {public static <fields>;}

Note: this has only been tested to work with Akka 2.1.0 and Scala 2.10.1. If you use other versions, you may have do some more tinkering/googling.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Using 2.10 Futures in Android

In an Android app, it is usually necessary to run some tasks in the background so they don't block
the UI. The standard way to do this in Java code is with an AsyncTask. Basically you fill out the body of an AsyncTask with two parts: what needs to happen in the background, and what needs to happen in the foreground once that is complete. The return value of the background part is passed as a parameter to the foreground part:

Here is an example expressed in Scala, as always more concise than Java:

    new AsyncTask[Object, Object, String] {
      override def doInBackground(args: Object*): String = calculateScore
      override def onPostExecute(score: Int) { showScore(score) }

From a Scala perspective, it might occur to you that this is a bit similar to what a Future does. Futures are more general and concise, so in my opinion they are to be preferred. Indeed, following the example of Terry Lin, I tried to get the identical functionality as the above working using the Future trait in Scala 2.10, and it worked fine. The new code has this structure:

    future {
    } map {
      runOnUiThread(new Runnable { override def run() { showScore(score) } }))

This code is a bit shorter. The one thing to remember is that after the score is returned, we have
to remind Android to return control to the main thread -- that's what the runOnUiThread() is for.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

A Benefit of Implicit Conversions: Avoiding Long Boilerplate in Wrappers

In OO practice we use wrapper classes a lot. So much in fact, that the Gang of Four identified several types of wrappers (differentiated more by purpose than structure): Adapters, Decorators, Facades, and Proxies. In this blog post I am going to concentrate on the Proxy design pattern, but the same technique of using implicit def to cut down code repetition can be applied for many different types of wrappers.

As an example, I'm going to take a data structure from my open-source quiz app Libanius. It's not necessary to go into the full data model of the app, but one of the central domain objects is called a WordMappingValueSet, which holds pairs of words and associated user data. This data is serialized and deserialized from a custom format in a simple file.

The problem is that the deserialization, which involves parsing, is rather slow for tens of thousands of WordMappingValueSet's, especially on Android, the target platform. The app performs this slow initialization on startup, but we don't want to keep the user waiting before starting the quiz. How can the delay be avoided? The solution is to wrap the WordMappingValueSet in a Lazy Load Proxy, which gives the app the illusion that it immediately possesses all these WordMappingValueSet objects when in fact all it has is a collection of proxies that each contain the serialized String for a WordMappingValueSet. The expensive work of deserializing the WordMappingValueSet is done by the proxy only when each object is really needed.

The question now is how to implement the Lazy Load Proxy. The classic object-oriented way
to do it, as documented by the Gang of Four book, is to create an interface to the WordMappingValueSet that contains all the same methods, and then a WordMappingValueSetLazyProxy implementation of that interface. The client code instantiates the proxy object but it makes calls on the interface as if it were calling the real object. In this way, the illusion is preserved so not much has to change in the client code, but "under the hood" what is happening is that the proxy is deserializing the String and then forwarding each call to the real object.

In the above diagram, the function fromCustomFormat() does the work of deserialization. In Java this would be a static method; in Scala it is placed within the singleton object WordMappingValueSet. Inside WordMappingValueSetLazyProxy, the serialized String is stored, and fromCustomFormat() is called the first time one of the business methods is called, before  the call is delegated to the method of the same name in WordMappingValueSet.

This kind of wrapper is very common in the Java world. But there is a problem. There are a lot of methods in WordMappingValueSet. These all need to be duplicated in IWordMappingValueSet and WordMappingValueSetLazyProxy. It violates the principle of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). Implementing this in Scala, I would go from about a hundred lines of code to two hundred lines. (In Java I would be going from two hundred lines to four hundred lines.) Furthermore, every time I need to add a method to WordMappingValueSet, I now need to do the same to the other two types, so the lightweight flexibility of the data structure has been lost.

In Scala, there is a better solution: use an implicit conversion. Firstly, as before, the WordMappingValueSet is wrapped inside a WordMappingValueSetLazyProxy:

case class WordMappingValueSetLazyProxy(valuesString: String) {  
  lazy val wmvs: WordMappingValueSet = WordMappingValueSet.fromCustomFormat(valuesString)

But that's all that's necessary for that class. We won't be defining the same methods all over again. Notice also that the lazy keyword, provided by Scala, means that fromCustomFormat() won't actually be called until some method is called on wmvs, i.e. until it is really needed.

But the real trick to make this work is to define the implicit conversion:

object WordMappingValueSetLazyProxy {
  implicit def proxy2wmvs(proxy: WordMappingValueSetLazyProxy): WordMappingValueSet = proxy.wmvs

This "converts" a WordMappingValueSetLazyProxy to a WordMappingValueSet. More specifically, it says to the compiler, "Whenever a method is called on WordMappingValueSetLazyProxy such that it doesn't seem to compile because no such method exists, try calling that method on  WordMappingValueSet instead and see if that works." So we get the benefits of adding all the methods of WordMappingValueSet to WordMappingValueSetLazyProxy without having to actually do it by hand as in Java.

There are other types of proxies, objects that give you the illusion that a resource has been acquired before it actually has. Perhaps the most common type is the network proxy. This is how EJBs are  implemented, and perhaps the most frequent criticism of EJBs, since the early days of 2.x, is the large amount of code redundancy: for each domain object, you need to write a plethora of interfaces surrounding it. A lot of tools and techniques have emerged over the years to deal with the redundancy: code generation, AOP byte code weaving, annotations, etc. Could implicit conversions have avoided this? Some believe that implicits are too powerful and scary, but considering how much time has been spent over the years on frameworks involving reams of XML to work around the limitations of Java, it seems there might be a case for allowing this kind of power to be built into the language. Scala has this.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Scala on the Rise in Germany

Kevin Shale was nice enough to invite me to a Scala meetup in Cologne on May 27. I had previously been to the Scala meeting in Berlin, but this was my first time with the Scala User Group in Cologne. The talk covered scalaz, the functional Scala library from Tony Morris. The discussion afterwards was broader and also interesting.

I understand previous meetings were pretty small, but twice the number of people came this time. After taking London and Silicon Valley by storm, it's amazing how fast Scala is catching on in Germany too. I have already had recruiters from Munich and Berlin asking me about it.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Functional Programming at Coursera

Many professions are based on the idea that you do a big amount of learning upfront (university) and then only small updates will be necessary throughout the rest of your career. However, in software development technology advances so quickly that your whole career is really one of continuous learning. To further this end, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have been become popular, especially over the past year or two. I don't see them as replacing traditional universities. However, they are a very useful resource, both for reminding yourself what you learnt in university and introducing you to new paradigms as they become popular in your field of expertise.

A great example is the Functional Programming Principles in Scala course at Coursera. Coursera is based at Stanford University, and this particular course is led by the Swiss professor Martin Odersky, inventor of the Scala language. I am now on the fourth week of the seven-week course. Each week requires the student to watch a couple of hours of videos interspersed with quizzes, and then take some more serious exercises, which take several hours more and submitted online using the Scala tool sbt. A student can do this work at any time during the week, meaning there doesn't need to be any interruption to one's regular work schedule. At the end of the course, a certificate is available, as well as the total score on the exercises.

In practise the majority of students drop out of online courses soon after starting them. However, I fully intend to pursue this one to the end, as I think the material is both excellently presented and highly relevant to the direction the software world is moving in. Furthermore, completing the exercises feels like solving puzzles in a way that I found quite addictive, and I shall be sorry when the course is complete and there are no more.

For instance this week's lectures, on "Types and Pattern Matching," set the stage for exercises on creating Huffman trees, which was quite interesting. In this course, there is an emphasis on data structures and algorithms that reminds of my days studying Computer Science at university twenty years ago. In those days we learnt Scheme, a LISP variant and a classic functional programming language. These days there are more popular FP languages like Scala and Clojure, which are entering the mainstream for many good reasons including allowing access to the JVM and Java libraries.

Anyway I highly recommend the course. This is the second run of it and I expect there will be another chance for people to take it in a few months.